Belgasa Girls School

QUICK DONATE Share the reward Help Us Reach Our Goal This is a girls school and orphanage in Belgasa, Islampur Jamalpur Bangladesh. It was established in 2016 with just 12 students and currently has 250. 20 haafidhaah have graduated of whom 13 have gone on to become teachers in various areas of the country. We […]

Road and Bridge project

QUICK DONATE Share the reward Road and Bridge project The rural areas of Bangladesh are in most need of bridges and road repair. We have seen residents repairing their local roads – a developing country like Bangladesh faces difficulties with local governance and it is not fitting to go into the complexities. Too often it’s […]

Give Water

QUICK DONATE FUNDRAISE FOR US Share the reward Install a Water Pump for just £350 for a standard one or donate more for areas where the layer is lower and needs deeper boring. By installing a water pump you are giving someone access to a basic need,  which can also save lives. Most of the […]

Wedding support

QUICK DONATE Share the reward Help Us Reach Our Goal No doubt, the one that assists in the marriage of two people is looked upon favourably. Marriage is said to be half of faith(religion), we call upon your assistance to help the poor and needy to make it possible to get their daughters married. Sadly […]

Sewing Machine

QUICK DONATE FUNDRAISE FOR US Share the reward A country that is world famous for its production of garments, what can be better as a gift than a sewing machine. For just £75 you can help a person make a living to provide for their family. In some cases it may be an additional income […]

House/Roof repair project

QUICK DONATE FUNDRAISE FOR US Share the reward Help Us Reach Our Goal There are thousands, if not millions, living in homes made out of corrugated tin in rural Bangladesh. Too often these end up damaged and in need of repair/replacement due to adverse weather conditions and tragic natural disasters. Recently we have had many […]

Roadside Kiosk

QUICK DONATE FUNDRAISE FOR US Share the reward We would like you to empower a person by donating a unit – either by yourself or as a group(family & friends) collaboration. We all know the saying ‘give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you […]


QUICK DONATE FUNDRAISE FOR US Share the reward Everyone should be able to enjoy outdoor activities, no matter what their ability. However, a disabled person depends on others to assist them to move from A to B due to their limited mobility. Providing a wheelchair to a disabled person will help them overcome some of […]


QUICK DONATE FUNDRAISE FOR US Share the reward We all know fully well that no one can take the place of a Mother and/or a Father… But one thing is for sure… Helping Humanity is committed in spending time with the orphans to help give them as much comfort and reassurance as possible.  To assist […]