Bridge for the Community

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£221 of £3,500 raised

Permanent bridge for the poor

The poor villagers of Mirpur /shodor Sylhet cross the river every year by building a bamboo bridge to go about their normal everyday lives during the monsoon season.

This costs approx £150 pounds every year which they have to scrounge around and get assistance for on top of their hard and needy living cost, the bridge is usually very flimsy and dangerous and many a time there has been some serious accidents.. but its their only access to the outside world..! They have to cross the river!

Helping humanity has been there and can confirm to you that it’s extremely difficult to cross the bridge and dangerous as the bamboo starts to get flimsy and gives way with load.

The villagers have been pleading to Local Government but to no avail. They have approached us to help them cross the river with a secure and solid bridge so they can access school, shops and market places to go about their daily lives.

After consulting with an engineer and taking into account the water level and its forces we have been given a cost of £3500 to build a permanent bridge. Around 500 villagers would benefit from this hugely.

Lets help these poor villagers cross the river so they can have ease in their lives and safety for themselves, their old and young.
We ask Allah to make it easy for us when we ourselves have to cross the bridge over hell fire in the day of judgement. Ameen

Please help with any zakah/sadaqah

Jazakumullahu khairan.
Taqbbal Allahu minna wa minkum

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